Please scroll down to read the full article
[or, QUICK JUMP to Read Profits vs Pitfalls now]
Why You Need Appraisal Education:
Profits vs. Pitfalls in Professional Appraising™
by Elly Rosen
Edited by George Holmes and Debbie Holmes
JCK Magazine, Managment Study Center Feature of Oct-1994, pp 111-125, 201
Reprinted in the JCK Handbook of Jewelry Store Management
2nd Edition, 1996, pp 69-78, 122
A comprehensive overview of The Personal Property Appraisal Process, this feature article uses gems and jewelry to illustrate fundamental valuation principles and the proedures for applying those principles to the ethics, methodology and reporting appropriate to each, every and ANY personal propert specialty area - for ANY assignment - in ANY global jurisdiction.
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Professional Valuation Appraisers - CHECK THIS OUT:
Why You Need Appraisal Education:
Profits vs. Pitfalls in Professional Appraising™
by Elly Rosen
Edited by George Holmes and Debbie Holmes
JCK Magazine, Managment Study Center Feature of Oct-1994, pp 111-125, 201
Reprinted in the JCK Handbook of Jewelry Store Management
2nd Edition, 1996, pp 69-78, 122
Read George Holmes Oct-1984 JCK Editorial: "Appraisal Sanity"
Scroll down to view or download the full 12-page feature in our electronic reader
Contextualized and illustrated for Gems & Jewelry Valuation &
but fully applicable to ALL global, personal property appraisal assignments.
This groundbreaking feature article provides a comprehensive
introduction and overview to professional personal property
from the most basic Intended & Assigned Uses of Consumer assignments
to the most advanced needs of the professional client community,
in all global free market economies and common law jurisdictions.
Article Information & Details
JCK Magazine, October 1994, pp 111-125
JCK Management Study Center 14-page Pull-out feature article and quiz
"Why You Need an Appraisal Education:
Profits vs. Pitfalls in
Professional Appraising"
by Elly Rosen, Edited by George Holmes and Debbie Holmes
©1994 EllyRosen with All Rights Reserved
A primer on professional
Personal Property Appraising & Valuation
[Personal Property includes depreciables and appreciables including Gems & Jewelry; Fine
& Decorative Arts, Antiques & Collectibles, Residential Contents, Machinery & Equipment, etc - This feature illustrates valuation and appraisal professionalism with gems and jewelry
examples. However, ALL of the principles, procedures, methodology, ethics and reporting techniques discussed are DIRECTLY and FULLY applicable to all personal property and relevant to ALL
global free market economies.]
All conepts, principles, procedures and methologies of this article
ARE Regularly updated as an AiReference in
AiCertification™Program courses.
Sidebars to the primary narrative:
Other Sidebars include summaries of related court decisions in the articles:
"Timeline of Some Important Appraisal Related Court Decisions on Selected Topics" (1941-87)
is found in article tables spanning pp 116-119.
Trial Court subject matter includes:
The Oct-1994 publication included an
Editorial by George Holmes, p. 201, "Appraisal Sanity"
This article was reprinted in the JCK Reference Book:
"Handbook of Jewelry Store Management,"
Second Edition
Compiled by the editors of JCK, Chilton Company, Radnor, PA, 1996
as "JCK Management Study Center: Why You Need An Appraisal Education"
by Elly Rosen, pp. 69-78, 122