AISociety ™ Appraisers International Society ™ AIS - Personal Property Appraisal's Global Valuation Standard ™ GVS ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Since 1982, AIStandards™ & AiCertification™ developer Elly Rosen has been the primary developer & instructor of professional principles, applied ethics, procedures, methodology and reporting for multi-specialty, attached and movable Personal Property Appraisal & Valuation. Leader of the very first education, testing, certification and referral programs, now Elly and the Global AiCertification Team are in the 5th-Decade Global AIStandard
  AISociety ™ Appraisers International Society ™ AIS  -  Personal Property Appraisal's Global Valuation Standard ™ GVS    ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――      Since 1982, AIStandards™ & AiCertification™ developer Elly Rosen has been the primary developer & instructor        of professional principles, applied ethics, procedures, methodology and reporting for multi-specialty, attached          and movable Personal Property Appraisal & Valuation.  Leader of the very first education, testing, certification             and referral programs, now Elly and the Global AiCertification Team are in the 5th-Decade Global AIStandard      
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Basic Membership Terms of Service (ToS) Agreement of the


Appraisers International Society™, aka AISociety™



As Posted on the AO-Personal Property Channel

of the AISNetWork on Polygon - Nov-17-09



AO     AISociety™ Members Terms of Service (ToS) 
Agreement [Nov-17-09 Modification of 
Nov-13-09 Post]
    AISociety Appraisers Int. (1160)
(347) 281-4220, Brooklyn,  NY, US
11/17/09 4:04 AM



  • The Appraisers International Society [hereinafter "AISociety"] is the professional membership organization of Elly Rosen's AIS. By applying for membership in the AISociety, or submitting payment for application and/or registration to the AISociety, applicants [hereafter "Member(s)"] agree to the basic Terms of Service [hereinafter "ToS"] below which are typical of professional membership organizations and related online netiquette, as well as to any other future rules or changes to the ToS agreement, which AIS may promulgate from time to time, including changes to applicable fees. Any additions or changes to the ToS will be posted on the designated AISNetWork channel or forum and forwarded to the Members email address on file with AIS. It's the responsibility of the Member to keep AIS informed of changes to their email address.


  • Members understand and agree that the organization may, with reasonable notice, terminate any Members status as a Member along with all rights of membership, at the sole discretion of the organization. Members agree that AIS may censure Members, or suspend and/or revoke Membership at any time and Members agree to abide by any such AIS decision. Members understand and agree that all AISociety materials and paraphernalia provided to Members by AIS or the AISociety remain the property of AIS, have been provided for use by the Member only in accordance with current or future rules promulgated by AIS, and then only while in good standing, and must be returned to AIS upon termination of membership or other request by AIS. Members understand and agree that all organization names, marks and materials containing such names or marks, are the property of the organization, are provided to members subject to the organization's rules of usage, and should the Members tenure as a Member of the organization cease, the Members must desist from use of such materials and return all materials to AIS on demand in a timely manner.


  • Members agree to respect all intellectual property rights of Elly Rosen, AIS, and other Members, including but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, trade dress, patents, regardless of whether any such intellectual property is or is not posted with a "protected" notice.


  • Members agree to subscribe to and adhere to the AIS organization Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct and Standards of Practice as may be posted from time to time, on AIS channels and sent via email, and to fulfill the Code of Ethics exam requirement and all other requirements of organization membership and certification, within the time limits and by the methods prescribed by the organization.


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